Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Weight Watchers Wednesday
I didn't start tracking again until Monday, 12/28 but have done a good job of tracking this week. I think that the loss resulted from several achievements.
First, I didn't go back for seconds at any Holiday meals. We have four Christmas Dinners. I usually go back for seconds at every single one. This year I allowed myself to eat a regular portion of the stuff I wanted and dedicated myself to not going back.
Second, I also did much better with desserts. I usually get small pieces of basically everything available. Then I would go back and get more of the things I really liked. I managed to limit myself to a regular portion of ONE dessert or two smaller portions of two desserts and did not go back for seconds.
Third, I did not graze a work. We have a credenza in our "lobby" area and people bring things...snacky yummy things...and put them there throughout the holidays. We also get gifts from other agencies and they end up there as well. I had a little incident with some chocolates a couple weeks before Christmas and it made me decide to just not eat anything off that damn credenza!
In the interest of full disclosure I need to admit that I did eat all the candy from my stocking and even some from my husbands. I did eat a LOT of chocolate chips cookies on Christmas Eve. I did eat cinnamon rolls on several occasions. That was plural rolls in case you didn't notice.
I think that one thing that really helped was going to the WW meeting last week. I knew I was going to gain but I am pretty sure that if I hadn't gone I would have gained even more this week and certainly would not have lost 2.5 lbs!!!!
The Pioneer Woman cinnamon roll post is coming I promise!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
definitely naughty
As you may recall in my last blog entry from a month ago I was reviewing all the issues that were causing me to lose and gain the same couple of pounds. Those issues continue...but now with Christmas spirit! Here is a break down since my 11/18 weigh in:
12/2 gained 3.25
12/12 lost 2
12/23 gained 2.5
20 lbs lost since June 24, 2009.
Between now and 1/6 my goal is to track everything I eat. Even if I don't know the points. It has to go in the tracker if it goes in my mouth. That seems to be the key on WW. If I don't track...I don't follow the plan...I don't lose.
I made Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon rolls with Sassafras and Middle Sister. That will be my next post on 12/8.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Why I keep losing and gaining the same 2 lbs.
I gained 1 3/4 lbs. This week. I am seriously gaining and losing the same two pounds and have been for the last month. I am trying to figure out why but the truth is I know why I just have to admit it to myself and to you faithful reader!
1. I am not tracking what I'm eating. This means I am not tracking my points. On some days I think I am staying within my point range but on many I know I am not.
2. I haven't found a zero point coke replacement yet. For the time being I have mostly replaced my coke habit with my sweet tea habit. It is really not an improvement.
3. I am not exercising with any consistency. I have walked a couple times but nothing to brag about. I am not using the Wii Fit. I have got to stop making excuses and get moving!
4. I am having a motivation issue. I've lost 25 lbs. That is great. I still have more than 100 lbs. to go. I can't just start taking months off.
I'm going to have to find the strength to push through and do the things I KNOW I need to do even when the motivation is lacking!
Friday, November 20, 2009
What is a Beyonce?
As we were pulling away Fighter Pilot said, "What is a beyonce?
That cracked me up...and it only got funnier from there.
I explained WHO Beyonce was. When I said she was a singer I launched into a little Single Ladies, "All the single ladies, all the single ladies"
Sassafrass immediately started relating to me about where she had heard that song before.
Sassafrass: In Alvin and the Chipmunks the squeakquel there are these
Accentia: wait...did you just say squeakquel?
S: *in her best announcer voice* There have been many great sequels. There have even been prequels. Now get ready for the world' first SQUEKQUEL
*cue uproariously laughter*
Sassafrass went on to explain the scene from the preview where the teenage chipmunk girls are singing "Single Ladies".
Then for the finale Fighter Pilot, dancing in a way that is only possible while strapped in a car seat, using his very best girl chipmunk voice, launched into the song, "If you like then you better put a ring on it. If you like it then you better put a ring on it".
I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants!
Here are the ladies doin' their thang!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
These are sunflowers purchased from our local food club and greenery purchased from our local Kroger. There were twice as many sunflowers originally but they died before I remembered to get a picture.
Weight Watchers
I lost 1.25 lbs. over the last two weeks. Normally I would celebrate this loss but it has me confused. During the first week of the two week time period I had a couple incidents and accidents involving cupcakes and Halloween Candy. I did well with the Halloween candy right up through Tuesday night. Luckily Sexy had gotten rid of most of the good stuff but I still raided the candy bucket. The cupcakes are from our local gourmet cupcakery. I bought them for the mother/daughter book club we hosted this month. There were leftovers. I ate them. So on Wednesday I was out of town and realized I would not get back in town to weigh. I suddenly decided I could have a cheeseburger and onion rings for lunch. Then I just completely stopped tracking my food. On Saturday I had a frozen custard "concrete" with Reece's peanut butter cups. Then my in-laws had car trouble near us on Sunday and ended up staying the night and buying us pizza. I was really worried that I would gain like 5 lbs. I guess I am now worried that next weeks weigh in is going to show the week of fail. Either way I am back on track. I have had a couple of cokes over the past two weeks. Nothing substantial. I am hoping that offset my eating and was the reason for the loss. *fingerscrossed*
Thursday, November 5, 2009
OCDD = obsessive compulsive dishwasher disorder
I have always had a "thing" about cleaning dishes. It think it is related to doing dishes at my bio-dads. He didn't have a dishwasher and my sisters and I, when we were with him, were expected to do the dishes. I could never get them clean enough so I was always the rinser. Probably appropriate given that I was also the "baby". Whatever the cause, I am INSANE about the dishes being clean before they go into the dishwasher.
This can create a backlog of dishes that need to be cleaned before they are put into the dishwasher. When Sexy gets tired of looking at all the dishes I haven't done he starts loading the dishwasher. If I am home this will lead to the following exchange.
Accentia: Are you washing those first?
Sexy: I am if they need it.
LIAR. He always feeds me that lie or some version of it. I always let it go until I unload the dishwasher and there is FOOD on the dishes.
This was not as big of a problem before we moved. At the older tiny house we had this fancy European dishwasher that Sexy got off Ebay for a steal. I would get frustrated when he loaded but there was no HATE when I unloaded because that dishwasher usually removed all food from all dishes prior to sanitizing them. I.LOVED.THAT.DAMN.DISHWASHER.
Then we moved into the ugly green house (this is the official title bestowed upon our residence by Fighter Pilot) and now we have a dishwasher that was made in 1978. If it ever did remove food it no longer does. Mostly it just takes anything left on the dishes and spreads it all over the rest of the dishes. I.HATE.THIS.FUCKING.DISHWASHER!
I am getting a handle on the laundry but the dishes ARE.KILLING.ME!
*will update this post with a picture of said dishwasher.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 29, 2009

FTW = for the win. I had to look it up the first time I saw it on twitter so I thought I'd just tell you and save you the search of
I quit cokes yesterday. I gained 1 1/4 lb. at WW. I was expecting it. Once again I had indulged a little more than I should have but am quite sure that I did well with the portion control of the food.
The cokes...not so much.
I am addicted to cokes. I admit it. The addiction is compromising my ability to get my body where I want it to be. I can justify drinking one a day but I know in my heart that there will be too many days where I can't stop at just one.
When I am with family doing something special I have figured out how to either make choices that will keep me in my points allowance or make a conscious decision to eat things that will make me go over my points. Either way it is a conscious decision and when I decide to go over my points I always feel it is worth it. The choice to drink coke is almost always made subconsciously or for convenience and NEVER worth it.
I literally cried a little at the WW meeting when I decided I had to quit them. I told my friend and WW cohort immediately to give me some accountability. I am not sure why the tears came to my eyes. How bizarre is that...crying about cokes? Silly is what it is. I think the tears are more about coming to terms with myself and my inner brat/princess/child about choices I have to make to be healthier. This losing weight is sometimes more of a battle in my mind than anywhere else. That battle can be so difficult but is proving to be SO WORTH IT!
I am taking charge of my body. I'm not going to let my future be controlled by a stupid addiction to cokes that I know I am bigger than and stronger than. For heaven's sake I quit smoking two years ago. If I can kick the nicotine habit I CAN.DO.THIS!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Short and Sweet
I know I's Thursday. I'm easily distracted! I lost...wait for it...wait for it...5.5 lbs. this week!!! Woo Woo! I am 2.5 lbs away from my 10% goal. I would love to reach it next week but I realize this is a marathon not a 5k and I am just going to keep plugging away and celebrate all downward movement on the scale without any "expectation" of how much I "should" be losing every week.
Fresh Flowers

More on my Wii Fit challenge tomorrow...or the next know when I am less distracted!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The 2009 Camping Extravaganza!
Gained 3 1/2 lbs. this week.
Defeat they name is s'more...and they were totally worth it!
We went camping last weekend.
When one of the counselors at my kids aftercare program found out we were camping she said, "you don't strike me as a camper". I'm not really. Given a choice I am usually going to opt for my bed and the creature comforts of home. Luckily I haven't always had a choice and therefore can and do appreciate "the camping".
When I was a girl we started out with tent camping. I am the youngest of three girls. My parents always had their own big tent and then the three of us would squeeze into this tiny little tent. At the time it didn't faze me but looking back I am really curious about it. However I'm not going to ask because I'm too afraid the answer might involve my parents having "the sex". We moved on and into a pop up pull behind thingy and to be honest I felt that thing was way more work than it was worth. The putting up and then the taking down and cleaning blah blah blah. Tents just seemed easier. Then my parents got smart or better paying jobs and we started renting cabins and houses on the lake. That is my preference...all the amenities of home but right on the water. Before I started dating Sexy I hadn't actually camped since I was a teenager.
Sexy has some friends from Louisiana that like to come and camp in Arkansas. I totally understand that cause everything in Arkansas is better than in Louisiana. They preferred the "off the grid" type camping that I had never experienced. No electrical hook ups. No bathroom just a stones throw away. The first year we were dating Sexy went without me. However, all his friends brought their wives or girlfriends and kids and he made it clear that the next year he wanted me to come along. I'm not sure how we came to be kid-free on that weekend but it was just Sexy and I that made the pilgrimage to the Quachita National Forrest to join his friends for their annual camping event. It was a blast but very different from the camping I was used to. That was the last year of camping for that group of friends. Everyone moved far far away. Our family has continued the tradition. Last year was year three and we took some of our friends with us. They had been wanting to go camping. We had a good time. This year it was just us.
Fighter Pilot totally called this one on day two when he said, "This is the BEST CAMPING TRIP EVER!" The caps are indicative of his yelling! It really was a great time. There is nothing like going "off grid" with your husband and kids to let you relax and reconnect. There were no tv's, cell phones or interwebs to attend to. It was just us and mother nature. It was awesome. Here are some of my pictures of our adventure. (not the best quality because they were taken with my camera phone) It was cold and wet but magical.

Our tent was right next to this. It sounded beautiful but loud. The first night, in response to me talking about how beautiful it was Fighter Pilot said, "Can you turn it down? I'm never going to get to sleep!"

Our lovely compound. It is way to big but totally awesome. We have gotten much faster at putting it up and taking it down.

The camp "kitchen".

I love a campfire!

but not as much as I LOVE these punks!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Acky Breaky Heart

Weight Watcher Wednesday
I lost another 2 1/2 lbs. I am down 23.5 lbs. total. I was a little worried because I went to a tasting at a hotel for a lunch my office is hosting. I happen to be good friends with the catering manager of this hotel and he told the people from my office who arrange these things to bring me along for the tasting. It was so yummy. We got to sample three different entrees. The samples were basically 1/2 a portion. Then we got THREE desserts. Full portions. Double chocolate cake, banana pudding made with the hotel's signature cookies instead of vanilla wafers and bread pudding. I love dessert! I ate the full 1/2 servings of each entree and 1/2 of each dessert. It was my lunch and dinner. I guess it all worked out since I lost weight. To be honest though it is not often I get to eat such wonderfully prepared food and there was no way I was going to turn it down. It would have been worth gaining a couple pounds! Luckily that didn't happen! Could I possibly use more exclamation points?!
Meanwhile back on the ranch...
Sassafras is nine. She got her first blemish this month. She also no longer believes in Santa Clause...something about a bar code on her tv last She is too smart for her own good.
I knew that motherhood would be hard work. What I was totally ill prepared for was the emotional difficulty that comes when they grow up. My theme song has always been "I don't wanna grow up". I embrace the silly. I often refer to myself as a 5 year old and to be honest I often act like good and bad ways! I guess I should have known that watching them grow up would be hard. She is the most awesome little girl in the world and I am sure she will be the most awesome tweenager but why why why! Don't get me wrong I burst with pride for her accomplishments and milestones but one day she will roll her eyes when I call her "baby girl". It is breaking my heart.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wii Fit
I am positive that I have mentioned previously that I don't like to exercise. I thought...Wii Fit will make it fun and I'll stick with it and it will work. So Sexy gets it all set up and I go through the initial "body test" and it takes my already shorter and wider than average Mii (which I made shorter and wider than average in an attempt to be somewhat accurate in creating the Mii) and makes it FAT. My Mii...FAT. I know I'm fat. You don't have to make my Mii fat to emphasize the point! So lets just say that in order to PUNISH the Wii Fit I didn't use it for 8 months. If I could figure out how to capture an image of my fat Mii and put it on the interwebs I would share it with you cause that is how I roll! Alas, I haz no IT skillz!
The point you ask...and for once I actually have one...I have issued a Wii Fit challenge to myself. The purpose of the challenge is to create a habit of using the Wii Fit. The challenge is to "play" on the Wii Fit and earn 20 minutes of tokens at least 3 times a week. This is the challenge for October. I am planning on meeting that challenge and raising it in November but we will deal with that WHEN it happens. I am actually going to try and get three sessions in this very short week of October. I did my first session last night and it actually was fun! I know I was shocked too! I saw some very distinct improvement in my capabilities and I'm actually sore today!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
da flu
I didn't lose any weight this week but also didn't gain. I did eat too much a couple of days but I really think that the not eating for two days made my body panic and that is why there was no movement on the scale *shrugs* I am not an expert so who the hell really knows!
The picture below is of the kids on our first outing on the trail that runs behind our neighborhood. It was fun and adventurous. One of the things I would like to change in my life is my level of activity. Not just with exercising but with parenting. I would like to be one of those parents who plays with their children instead of just watching their children play. I also think that it would help instill in them a preference of activity over inactivity. I have no such preference and would mostly rather sit on my ass and watch tv. We had a blast!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Can I get a HELL YEAH!!!
I lost 4lbs. this week. I kinda thought it might be coming but actually seeing it made my day! I am so please with WW and with myself for sticking to it. We discussed in our meeting today that the accountability of the WW program with its weekly weight in and meeting help to get you back on track when you "fall off the wagon". That has certainly been the case for me.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Aaaww....come ON!

That is the expression most often used by Fighter Pilot when something unexpected happens. He is bringing in the mail and he drops some..."Aaaww come ON!" with his hands thrown into the air as if he is speaking to God himself! Sassafras is also saying it now. It never ceases to crack me up. I have been trying to figure out where they got that expression. Sometimes they say something and I know I'm the responsible party.
"Dude" I use that word a lot...probalby too much when communicating with my children. I am not even consistent in my use...good, bad, funny and exasperated.
"He/she is on fire" most commonly used when someone's fever is so bad their whole face is red. Fighter Pilot came home telling me one of his classmates had to go home because "she was on fire". It took me a minute to realize that he had adopted my phrase and was talking about a fever.
Sassafras is currently the only member of our family who leaves a room by saying, "Peace Out" and throwing a peace sign.

Peace Out!
Friday, September 18, 2009
No more FAT jeans!
In my office most Fridays are "jean" day. We don't interact with people outside our office very often. We do most of our contact through the telephone, fax and email. I wish we could wear jeans everyday but who doesn't wish that right? Having said that, as an attorney, this is the first job I've ever had that allows me to regularly wear jeans on Friday. I have only been able to wear my "fat" jeans for the past 8 months or so. These were the jeans I wore when I was retaining water or gained a little weight. Usually when I would have to start wearing them I would make some effort to slow down my eating to get back into my regular jeans (which are still a plus size pair of jeans but obviously a size smaller and thereby more acceptable). The last time I got into my "fat" jeans I just kept eating. Till they got tight and uncomfortable and then I joined WW because I did not want to be one of those people who end up weighting 350 lbs. and can barely walk.
This morning when I went to put my jeans on I remember they were in the laundry. I have had very low energy this week for probably a multitude of reasons but it has caused me to get behind on my laundry. So I decide to grab another pair of jeans, the ones I haven't been able to get into for 8 months. OMG.THEY.TOTALLY.FIT!!!! I was so excited...I am still so excited! Now I can't wait to lose more weight and have to actually buy jeans in a size I haven't worn in YEARS!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Weight Watchers Wednesday
1 serving alpine lace reduced fat provolone cheese 2.0
1 slice canadian bacon 1.0
16 fl oz coffee
1 serving multi-grain sandwich thins 1.0
6 servings non dairy creamer 1.0
6 servings splenda
1 serving v8 1.0
1 serving Mountain Dew (12 fl oz) 3.0
1 serving ravioli florentine 5.0
1 serving fresh spinach
1 serving ground beef 8.0
1/2 serving light sour cream 0.5
2 servings romaine lettuce
Snacks / Other
1 serving all bran garlic herb cracker 2.0
1 serving chocolate truffle bar 2.0
1 serving laughing cow original creamy swiss 1.0
1 serving microwave 94% fat free popcorn 1.0
1 serving mountain dew 3.0
1 serving wasa multi grain crispbread 0.5
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Poor mistreated blog
I totally missed WW Wednesday last week...and I lost weight even!!! I lost 2.25 lbs and made it past my first goal of 14 lbs. I am very proud of myself for sticking with this but was hoping to lose a little faster. I know what the problem is...I don't track all my food closely enough and I still have little episodes in which I do things I know won't assist the goal of losing weight. Like last night when I ate the two pieces of buttered Italian bread we have left from dinner Saturday night. They were totally yummy but totally not within my point allowance. Couple that with a little chocolate chip cookie dough fiasco from Saturday night and I'm not sure how this week is going to go. There is one big difference between this time and all previous times I've attempted to lose weight. When I do go off my diet I don't throw in the towel. I don't say all is lost lets eat the entire contents of the fridge and freeze. That difference is big...HUGE! That is the difference I hope is going to see me through this and to my goal weight.
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My high school English teacher would be so proud of the alliteration!
I gained a pound this week. I am disappointed because I followed my WW plan, stayed within my point allowance and just generally did well this week. I am still not exercising but should still lose if following the plan. Having said that it is probably just a water issue and next week will be great. I am not going to be discouraged and go eat a whole cheesecake.
Fresh Flowers
I read a lot of blogs. Many of them have little features that give you insight into the authors life. I am thinking of doing this with my fresh flowers. I love fresh flowers on a dinning room table and just about any other place too. For a long time I have denied myself this pleasure. We were kind of broke in July so Sexy wasn't able to get me the new camera I so desperately wanted. He brought me flowers instead. They looked so lovely on my dining room table that I have kept fresh flowers on my table since. I took a picture last week but didn't get around to posting it so this week there will be two pictures. Sometimes the arraignments last two weeks so I'm not promising that there will be a new picture every week but I plan on taking one as soon as I get the flowers on the table.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Spelling Test are for LOSERS
Sassafras is an excellent speller. She is a great all around daughter. The single trait that makes this true is her fierce desire to please adults. She wants you to be happy with her. To tell her that you are happy with her and to hug her a lot. Her first spelling test was a breeze. She brought the list home and I got all excited about it. Finally we had some homework. Something I could do to help her with school other than read to her every night (my favorite part of my "mommy" day). I called out the words to her and she got every freaking one right. If I had an easy button I so would have pushed it.
Fighter Pilot brought home his first spelling list this week. The words were easy. They were sight words that he learned in Kindergarten (and promptly forgot over the summer because his bonus Mom packed his flashcards and sight word books when they moved and never unpacked them). Words, am, as, have, that, and. I can't remember all ten but you get the idea.
Tuesday night before reading his new library book (he checked out from the school library and actually got to bring home because he is a big boy) I told him we would have to work on his spelling words. I called out the first one on the list.
Accentia: Spell "am"
Fighter Pilot: crickets chirping
Accentia: Did Mrs. 1st Grade Teacher (who also taught your sister and literally asked us if she could adopt her) explain to you what a spelling test was and what was expected of you?
Fighter Pilot: more crickets
It is going to be a long year at Casa De Accentia!
Speaking of me casa...I originally intended for this blog to chronically my journey in preparing several aspects of my life for getting pregnant. I have obviously kept you up to date on the weight issue. However, have never once spoken again of the house and finance issues...or even explained what the issues where. I'll do that next week...promise!
UPDATE!!! He made a 100% A on his spelling test. Wonders never cease to amaze! Photographic evidence below.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Second Verse Same as the First
This is what is so funny when you change the way you eat. Compared to every other girls weekend I ate leaps and bounds better this year. Compared to how I eat when I am working the WW plan I didn't eat so fabulous. Next week I am hoping for a good loss. I am still not exercising. The treadmill is no longer an option as I broke the console when moving it last week. Sexy can get it to work but only on 4 mph with an incline of 10...not happening! I have been considering getting up off my ass and doing the Wii Fit. So far I've only gotten as far as the considering. I have lost 13.5 lbs. I am .5 lbs from my first goal.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sexy Sexy Rockstar
He handles me so well. He understands me so well. When I am all hormonal and crazytown he usually responds in the right way. He knows how to tell me things...even the hard a way that I actually hear them. Which brings me to the most amazing part...when I hear him and respond in an appropriate way instead of freaking out and getting mad at him he thinks I'm awesome!
On the WW front...last time I posted anything about WW I had gained 4 lbs. The next week I lost 5 1/2...thank goodness! Last week I stayed the same. I weigh in again tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Speaking of weddings...
The downside was that I ate and drank things that would not be considered "good choices". I did limit my portions on the food but not on the cokes. Sexy's mom and step-dad live in the country and they have sulfur in their water. It smells nasty. I.CAN.NOT.DRINK.IT. I can barley brush my teeth or bath in it.
I know I have issues. So I drank sweet tea and cokes for four days and shock me shock me shock me I gained four lbs. So that sucks. Glad the wedding went well. I will now be devising a strategy for the next time we head to the in-laws. It will most certainly entail bottled water.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
No squirrels were harmed
It was a really great wedding. The couple was lovely and everyone was delighted they were getting married. The reception was awesome. Seriously, it included an Elvis impersonator and everything! The plan was for the Bride and Groom to leave after everyone had rung in the new year properly...outside on the deck with fireworks and kisses. The guest were given sparklers and there was an actual fireworks show.
I was standing with Sexy and my mom at the edge of the deck enjoying the moonlight view of the lake waiting on the fireworks. The first fireworks went off and all of a sudden there was SOMETHING ON MY HEAD. A FURRY SOMETHING ON MY HEAD. The furry something was holding on to my head for dear life and then jumped off my head out into the wilderness. My husband and several on lookers had looks of amazement on their faces and after making sure I was OK and laughing till they almost peed their pants, told me that the furry something was in fact a squirrel. Apparently a squirrel that had been happily living its life...not patiently waiting for the fireworks I'm guessing....and was startled out of the tree by the fireworks.
Amazingly I was fine...just a few scratches. The mentioned in this post title...was not harmed.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Meeting Goals and Taking Names
I am learning to take my good snacks with me when I go places so that I have good options. I am learning that feeling satisfied is better than feeling full. I am learning that I CAN DO THIS!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wind and Sun Therapy
This weekend I got some wind and sun therapy thanks to my Mom's Volkswagen Eos convertible. It is a sporty, black, beautiful machine. She used to have a convertible bug. It was great. The Eos is better.
Sexy, Mom and I headed to a drive-in movie theater this weekend. Our destination was about an hour from where we started. It was a great opportunity for some wind and sun therapy. We had the oldies channel turned up, sunglasses on, top and windows down and were cruising through some of the most beautiful landscape this country has to offer.
I saw a deer and pointed it out to Sexy who was driving. His response was what it always is..."I see it". Then, unlike all the other time, it jumped into the road, in front of us. HOLY FREAKIN COW we hit a deer...or maybe the deer hit us.
I didn't actually see it cause I was curled up in the fetal position in the passenger seat praying. But I heard it and I saw the aftermath. It was trau-freaking-matic. We pulled over to survey the us and the deer. The car was damaged but repairable. The deer was in the road injured and unable to stand up. It kept trying. It kept breaking my heart.
I don't like guns. I don't want to take yours away but I don't like them. There is a story that goes with my dislike of guns but I will save that for another day. I am a southern girl so I was taught to shoot a gun...when I was 8. This was the first time EVER that I wished I had one handy. The sight of that deer in so much pain and misery. It was almost more than I could bear.
I was trying to figure out what to do...who to call. When another car stopped by the deer. The driver and passenger were attempting to put the deer in their vehicle. Clearly, they had never seen Tommy Boy! They seemed to be taking matters into their own hands and I am hoping that at the very least they ended that deer's suffering.
We went on to the movies. Thankful that things had not gone so very badly for us. Blessed that we were able to make the ride back home...watching for deer.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thats what I'm talking about...
I am not exercising.
We are reading "The Shack" in my Sunday school class. I am really enjoying the book but mostly the discussions about the book that follow in Sunday school.
When I was a kid we went to church (Methodist) most Sundays. When I was a teenager my parents stopped going. My sister and I didn't...we just went on our own. My dad was very religious and seems to have gotten mad at God when his mother died and never recovered. My mom is more spiritual than religious. She is very open to different paths. She has explored other religions and seems more interested in learning about them than actually participating in them.
When I bought my first house it was down the street from a Methodist Church. I never went. I'm really not sure why other than I liked to sleep in on the weekends and I get nervous around new people. When Sexy and I got engaged I decided that if we were going to raise children (he had 2 biological children and 2 step children from his first marriage) then I wanted to raise them in the church. We visited the "blue jean" service. I just didn't feel it. It didn't feel like church. Then we got custody of 3 of the children and I got overwhelmed and didn't do much of anything but take care of them for a couple years. Then I decided to try again. This time I went to the traditional service.
It was like coming home.
I know a lot of people who talk trash about the traditions of High Church. Singing the same songs. Saying the same prayers. I had not had an opinion either way until that day. Those traditions were so comforting and welcoming.
I really feel connected to God now. I don't know all the answers. I'm really still uncomfortable talking about religion. I love going to church and Sunday school. I don't feel superior to those who don't go. I don't know that anyone looking at me would see that I have changed my life so much in the day to day aspects. I've always been a pretty good person and usually made the right choices morally and ethically. What has changed is me. I am listening to God when he tells me to "fear not" and I am trying to pray about things and for people. So many times I feel helpless but I can pray and it makes me feel less helpless. I feel more connected to everything and everyone.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I joined Weight Watchers today. My official first goal is to lose 14 lbs. I am excited about this endeavor. I will keep you posted.
Meanwhile back at the farm...I have terrible PMS. Seriously, I can understand why some have used or tried to use PMS as a defense to homicide. Even doctors now realize that for some the PMS can be really really bad and so they call it PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. During my premenstrual time I am supposed to double up on my "happy pill" (read anti-anxiety/depression medication...I lurv lexapro!) but this month instead I completely stopped taking it*.
Es stupido.
Now someone must die.
I have been able to rationally talk myself out of killing 1. Sexy, 2. my mother, 3. my kids, 4. my co-worker and 5. random person in traffic who COULD.NOT.MERGE! Don't worry the PMS/PMDD will be passing any minute now and I'm taking my "happy pill" you're safe...for now.
*I did not intentionally stop taking it...I just sort of forgot for 5 days in a row. I think my subconscious wants to kill someone!?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Newton's First Law
Wednesday at noon I will be attending my first Weight Watchers meeting. I have been talking with a friend who is doing WW and she is having success. What I like about the WW system is the flexibility.
And now time for a funny story...
I got my first obscene phone call yesterday. It was on my cell phone. I was sitting at my desk at work when the phone rang and showed a "withheld" number. I answered it anyway just in case and I will share a portion of the call with you.
Accentia: Hello
Obscene caller: What time do you get off? (lots of weird noises in the background...running water...movement...muffled voice)
A: who is this?
OC: (muffle muffle) Bryan...What time do you get off?
A: (Still unsure about what is going on and whether or not I know the other person on the phone) why do you want to know?
OC: What time do you get off?
A: The normal time (is my oh so clever answer in case this is a murder who will be waiting for me in the parking deck?)
OC: You would get off a lot faster if you would get on my d**k
A: (uproarious laughter as hanging up cell phone)
Fade black
It seriously cracked me up. So...what time do you get off?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Bad Attitude
In other news, I have a Dr. appoint Friday with Dr. Birkenstock. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism but my test came back normal after taking the smallest dose of medicine...that was over a year ago. In the meantime my sister was diagnosed with Hasimoto's which is an auto immune disorder that attacks your thyroid. It tends to run in families.
I have been struggling lately with various issues, motivation, depression, sensitivity to cold, exhaustion and honestly just a bad attitude. Don't get me wrong I have always had trouble with getting motivated to do things I don't like to do but now I am even having trouble getting motivated to do the things I love to do. I am just so.freakin.tired.all.the.time. I had my sister give me a list of all the test they ran on her thyroid (various hormone and antibody test) so I can take it to my doctor cause I feel like something is off. I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My did it!
On another note, the church I attend sends out an email blessing every Monday...cause who couldn't use a little extra blessing on Mondays. This week the blessing was about our fathers, in honor of the approaching holiday. I am including it here because I enjoyed it and I thought you might as well.
Bless all fathers and all those who have given fatherly love
As You have given life so they have given us life, and they live in us.
Give them joy as children feel joy
At making part of Your wonderful creation.
Let them know richness and satisfaction
Let them feel our gratitude and love
Let them be happy
We thank you for the gift of our fathers
Pour out your blessings on them, and show us how to love them better
Let their lives be long and fruitful
So their families may love them even more
Give them wonder and awe
Give them peace and serenity
Give them our love
In the name of our Father, bless our fathers
Hold them close to You.
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Biggest Loser 30 Day Jump Start

I am starting the exercise portion of the 30 day jump start TODAY! I got Sexy to get the treadmill out of storage and put it in the man cave in front of the tv.
The way it least for cardio...your goal is to walk for 60 mins 6 days a week. You start by walking for 20 mins the first day....then every day you add 2 mins. By the end of the 30 days you should have accomplished the goal. There are other exercises that you are supposed to do but honestly I've forgotten what they are. I will let you know tomorrow.
Yes, loyal reader, tomorrow. I hope to post an entry letting you know if I in fact did walk my required minutes and complete my required movements (other exercises). I am hoping this will improve not only my health but also my poor blogging skills. Wish me luck!
I have every intention of following the food portion of the 30 day jump start as well but am trying to diminish the unacceptable food that is in the pantry and freezer first.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A rose by any other name smells just as sweet...or something like that
I heart David Letterman…and his non-specific accent.
I think my love of Letterman started when I was a little girl with insomnia. I would occasionally gather up all my courage and crawl down to the end of the hallway where it meets our living room and watch Late Night with David Letterman. What I remember most is seeing my dad laughing…really laughing. My dad is not a big laugher so this was something new to me. Who was this magic man on TV who could make my dad laugh? It was fascinating.
Fast forward to my senior year of high school, I’m still a girl with insomnia but now I have a TV in my own room and watch Letterman every night. His show is on a different station and is called Late Show with David Letterman. One night he had just gotten back from vacation and was trying to talk in the accent of wherever he had been and it didn’t go very well. He responded, “That’s my non-specific accent”. I don’t think he ever said it again but I say it all the time.
I have a terrible habit of imitating people I’m around…and their accents. I, like Letterman, usually am not successful in my imitation. I often say, that is my non-specific accent. People laugh…I credit Letterman…they look confused. Probably because when searching around sites devoted to him and his show I found only ONE reference to the phrase “non-specific accent” and that one was from March, 14, 1994 (my senior year) and is the one I referenced above…at least that site confirms it actually did happen and I didn’t imagine the whole thing!
940314 Mon LateShow#125
Antics: Dave's back from vacationing in the Virgin Islands
Antics: Dave does his `non-specific' accent
Story: A picture from a viewer of a boy scaring Dave with a gun
Roof cam: Antics: Dave has problems with the Roof cam controls
Roof cam: Neighbor: Dave shows us _Insoo Salon_ above _Flashdancers_
Phone call: Neighbor: Dave calls _Insoo Salon_ and requests manicure
for bouncer at _Flashdancers_
Alan King [actor, comedian] interview
Roof cam: Neighbor: bouncer at _Flashdancers_ gets a manacure
Aretha Franklin [soul] song, interview and song `Think'
Roof cam: Neighbor: Appearance: Alan King [actor, comedian] gets a manacure
I don’t know if this is a true explanation of why my blog is called “non-specific” accent but at least now you know where the term came from and when I figure out the why that goes along with it…I’ll let ya know!