That is the expression most often used by Fighter Pilot when something unexpected happens. He is bringing in the mail and he drops some..."Aaaww come ON!" with his hands thrown into the air as if he is speaking to God himself! Sassafras is also saying it now. It never ceases to crack me up. I have been trying to figure out where they got that expression. Sometimes they say something and I know I'm the responsible party.
"Dude" I use that word a lot...probalby too much when communicating with my children. I am not even consistent in my use...good, bad, funny and exasperated.
"He/she is on fire" most commonly used when someone's fever is so bad their whole face is red. Fighter Pilot came home telling me one of his classmates had to go home because "she was on fire". It took me a minute to realize that he had adopted my phrase and was talking about a fever.
Sassafras is currently the only member of our family who leaves a room by saying, "Peace Out" and throwing a peace sign.

Peace Out!
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