Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Poor mistreated blog

I've been ignoring my blog. It just isn't right. I've apologized but I don't think my blog has forgiven me.

I totally missed WW Wednesday last week...and I lost weight even!!! I lost 2.25 lbs and made it past my first goal of 14 lbs. I am very proud of myself for sticking with this but was hoping to lose a little faster. I know what the problem is...I don't track all my food closely enough and I still have little episodes in which I do things I know won't assist the goal of losing weight. Like last night when I ate the two pieces of buttered Italian bread we have left from dinner Saturday night. They were totally yummy but totally not within my point allowance. Couple that with a little chocolate chip cookie dough fiasco from Saturday night and I'm not sure how this week is going to go. There is one big difference between this time and all previous times I've attempted to lose weight. When I do go off my diet I don't throw in the towel. I don't say all is lost lets eat the entire contents of the fridge and freeze. That difference is big...HUGE! That is the difference I hope is going to see me through this and to my goal weight.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes...

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