I'm pretty sure I had the flu. Not sure if it was seasonal or H1N1. Either way it was pretty terrible. Sexy got it first on Friday. He thought it was a sinus infection. We attended my 15 year class reunion Saturday. It was fun and exhausting and I could tell that Sexy felt terrible but knew it was important to me that he be there so he was. Then on Sunday morning his "sinus infection" moved to his chest. By Sunday evening I was sick. We were both hoping it wasn't the flu but when we woke up Monday morning we both felt like we had been run over by a big Mack truck. I basically took NyQuil and slept every minute that I was able. We tag teamed and got the kids to school. We weren't able to take Fighter Pilot to his football practice which was also his picture day. Sassafras did make it to soccer practice but only because I could just drop her off and pick her up. We managed to get everyone feed and in bed and pass out. Tuesday in the early morning my fever broke. Tuesday morning I actually considered going to work but decided to heed the "don't return to civilization for 24 hours after fever" warning as not to turn my whole office into zombies. I barely ate Monday and Tuesday was only a little better. Wednesday I was able to go to work but was incredibly weak. I am hoping some rest this weekend will help me fully recuperate.
I didn't lose any weight this week but also didn't gain. I did eat too much a couple of days but I really think that the not eating for two days made my body panic and that is why there was no movement on the scale *shrugs* I am not an expert so who the hell really knows!
The picture below is of the kids on our first outing on the trail that runs behind our neighborhood. It was fun and adventurous. One of the things I would like to change in my life is my level of activity. Not just with exercising but with parenting. I would like to be one of those parents who plays with their children instead of just watching their children play. I also think that it would help instill in them a preference of activity over inactivity. I have no such preference and would mostly rather sit on my ass and watch tv. We had a blast!
I heard from LK that you were sick. I hate that. I have had a stomach ache for several days that I cannot seem shake. Don't know what that is about.
Oh for a return to health.
Oh no...I hope your tummy is better! Please come back to work...it is boring here without you!
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