Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fresh Flowers

These are sunflowers purchased from our local food club and greenery purchased from our local Kroger. There were twice as many sunflowers originally but they died before I remembered to get a picture.

Weight Watchers Wednesday Thursday

I lost 1.25 lbs. over the last two weeks. Normally I would celebrate this loss but it has me confused. During the first week of the two week time period I had a couple incidents and accidents involving cupcakes and Halloween Candy. I did well with the Halloween candy right up through Tuesday night. Luckily Sexy had gotten rid of most of the good stuff but I still raided the candy bucket. The cupcakes are from our local gourmet cupcakery. I bought them for the mother/daughter book club we hosted this month. There were leftovers. I ate them. So on Wednesday I was out of town and realized I would not get back in town to weigh. I suddenly decided I could have a cheeseburger and onion rings for lunch. Then I just completely stopped tracking my food. On Saturday I had a frozen custard "concrete" with Reece's peanut butter cups. Then my in-laws had car trouble near us on Sunday and ended up staying the night and buying us pizza. I was really worried that I would gain like 5 lbs. I guess I am now worried that next weeks weigh in is going to show the week of fail. Either way I am back on track. I have had a couple of cokes over the past two weeks. Nothing substantial. I am hoping that offset my eating and was the reason for the loss. *fingerscrossed*

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