Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bad Attitude

I walked for 22 mins. I did the exercises afterward. I don't like exercising. I have spent most of my life avoiding it...rather successfully I might add. I am hoping that eventually I will love exercising and it won't be such a struggle to make myself do it.

In other news, I have a Dr. appoint Friday with Dr. Birkenstock. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism but my test came back normal after taking the smallest dose of medicine...that was over a year ago. In the meantime my sister was diagnosed with Hasimoto's which is an auto immune disorder that attacks your thyroid. It tends to run in families.

I have been struggling lately with various issues, motivation, depression, sensitivity to cold, exhaustion and honestly just a bad attitude. Don't get me wrong I have always had trouble with getting motivated to do things I don't like to do but now I am even having trouble getting motivated to do the things I love to do. I am just so.freakin.tired.all.the.time. I had my sister give me a list of all the test they ran on her thyroid (various hormone and antibody test) so I can take it to my doctor cause I feel like something is off. I'll keep you posted.

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