Friday, August 7, 2009

Sexy Sexy Rockstar

I am so blessed in so many ways but the one that comes to mind most often lately is my husband. I honestly had never sat down and thought about what married life would be like. I mean I thought about stuff like how many kids I want to have. Places I would like to live and raise a family. I just never considered the day to day aspects of a relationship.

He handles me so well. He understands me so well. When I am all hormonal and crazytown he usually responds in the right way. He knows how to tell me things...even the hard a way that I actually hear them. Which brings me to the most amazing part...when I hear him and respond in an appropriate way instead of freaking out and getting mad at him he thinks I'm awesome!

On the WW front...last time I posted anything about WW I had gained 4 lbs. The next week I lost 5 1/2...thank goodness! Last week I stayed the same. I weigh in again tomorrow.

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