Wednesday, December 23, 2009

definitely naughty

Weight Watchers Wednesday

As you may recall in my last blog entry from a month ago I was reviewing all the issues that were causing me to lose and gain the same couple of pounds. Those issues continue...but now with Christmas spirit! Here is a break down since my 11/18 weigh in:

12/2 gained 3.25
12/12 lost 2
12/23 gained 2.5

20 lbs lost since June 24, 2009.

Between now and 1/6 my goal is to track everything I eat. Even if I don't know the points. It has to go in the tracker if it goes in my mouth. That seems to be the key on WW. If I don't track...I don't follow the plan...I don't lose.

I made Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon rolls with Sassafras and Middle Sister. That will be my next post on 12/8.

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