Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For my next trick...

I will distract you from the fact that I am not going to post about Weight Watcher Wednesday (because after all that forgiving and moving on I never got back on track and missed last week due to illness and have now gained even more weight I'm back to a weight I haven't seen since September) by telling you some a cute and funny story about one of my kids.

Fighter Pilot is seven. This was the first time he watched the winter Olympics. He loved them! One Saturday when Sexy was in the garage working on his boat (more post about that later I'm sure) and Sassafras was busy watching the same four shows they repeat on the Disney channel (stop judging me) FP and I were snuggled on the couch watching the winter Olympics. Whatever event we had been watching ended and they cut to the start of the men's 15K mass start biathlon. I don't even understand what I just said exactly but that is what the event was called. So there are all these men who are skiing on cross country skies and they have what appears to be rifles strapped to their backs. We watch for a minute and then FP had a question.

Fighter Pilot: How long do they ski before they can start shooting each other?

I laughed so hard it offended him. The ultimate Olympic sport...where the only one still alive is the winner!


GK said...

Okay I LOL at the - "I have no idea what I just said..." line.

Shana said...

I wrote the name of the event and then I was going to try and explain it. I realized that I really couldn't. OY!