Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Broken Record

I am so desperately tired. I went to the lady doctor and she upped my meds to help with the hormonal crazy. She told me to go to GP to deal with other issues. I have a new GP. I will call him Dr. Laptop. He is very nice and technologically advanced with his fancy laptop and stylus. He ran some labs and we are waiting on the results to figure out what might be causing the fatigue. I feel about a thousand times better mentally. Not sure if that is the upped meds or some hormonal stability that accompanies this time period in my cycle. Either way I'm grateful for the good mood and positive outlook. Now if can just get some energy things will be all better!

Weight Watcher Wednesday
 I lost 4.5 lbs. I'm slowly making my way back to the lowest weight I attained at WW. I am 8.75 lbs. away. I'm done beating myself up over it. Just focusing on the things I'm doing right. My goal this week is to track everything I eat and to eat 5 servings from the fruit and veggie group daily.

In other news...

This is a conversation I had with Fighter Pilot the other day:

Accentia: Your first bonus spelling word is butterfly. Butterfly is a compound word.

Fighter Pilot: B-U-T-T-E-R (imitating a fly buzzing around our living room) F-L-Y.

A: Great! You second bonus word is insect.

FP: Insect is a compound word too! I-N (pointing between his legs) SEX (literally rolling on the floor laughing)

I had to laugh I couldn't help myself!

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