Thursday, November 5, 2009


I had a conflict with my Weight Watchers meeting this week so I didn't get to weigh in. I have not had a coke since last Wednesday. At this moment, I would kill for a coke. However, I am alone and it seems impracticable to commit suicide for a coke.

OCDD = obsessive compulsive dishwasher disorder

I have always had a "thing" about cleaning dishes. It think it is related to doing dishes at my bio-dads. He didn't have a dishwasher and my sisters and I, when we were with him, were expected to do the dishes. I could never get them clean enough so I was always the rinser. Probably appropriate given that I was also the "baby". Whatever the cause, I am INSANE about the dishes being clean before they go into the dishwasher.

This can create a backlog of dishes that need to be cleaned before they are put into the dishwasher. When Sexy gets tired of looking at all the dishes I haven't done he starts loading the dishwasher. If I am home this will lead to the following exchange.

Accentia: Are you washing those first?

Sexy: I am if they need it.

LIAR. He always feeds me that lie or some version of it. I always let it go until I unload the dishwasher and there is FOOD on the dishes.

This was not as big of a problem before we moved. At the older tiny house we had this fancy European dishwasher that Sexy got off Ebay for a steal. I would get frustrated when he loaded but there was no HATE when I unloaded because that dishwasher usually removed all food from all dishes prior to sanitizing them. I.LOVED.THAT.DAMN.DISHWASHER.

Then we moved into the ugly green house (this is the official title bestowed upon our residence by Fighter Pilot) and now we have a dishwasher that was made in 1978. If it ever did remove food it no longer does. Mostly it just takes anything left on the dishes and spreads it all over the rest of the dishes. I.HATE.THIS.FUCKING.DISHWASHER!

I am getting a handle on the laundry but the dishes ARE.KILLING.ME!

*will update this post with a picture of said dishwasher.

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