Monday, November 23, 2009

Why I keep losing and gaining the same 2 lbs.

Weight Watchers Wednesday Monday

I gained 1 3/4 lbs. This week. I am seriously gaining and losing the same two pounds and have been for the last month. I am trying to figure out why but the truth is I know why I just have to admit it to myself and to you faithful reader!

1. I am not tracking what I'm eating. This means I am not tracking my points. On some days I think I am staying within my point range but on many I know I am not.

2. I haven't found a zero point coke replacement yet. For the time being I have mostly replaced my coke habit with my sweet tea habit. It is really not an improvement.

3. I am not exercising with any consistency. I have walked a couple times but nothing to brag about. I am not using the Wii Fit. I have got to stop making excuses and get moving!

4. I am having a motivation issue. I've lost 25 lbs. That is great. I still have more than 100 lbs. to go. I can't just start taking months off.

I'm going to have to find the strength to push through and do the things I KNOW I need to do even when the motivation is lacking!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is a Beyonce?

Sexy works nights sometimes. The other evening the kids and I took him some dinner at work. He was telling me about something he had seen on TV where Ashton Kutcher punk'd Beyonce. She was the celebrity responsible for placing the star on the top of a huge tree. They had a cherry picker type thing that lifted her to the top. When she placed the star on top the TREE.FELL.OVER. She freaked. Sexy said it was great.

As we were pulling away Fighter Pilot said, "What is a beyonce?

That cracked me up...and it only got funnier from there.

I explained WHO Beyonce was. When I said she was a singer I launched into a little Single Ladies, "All the single ladies, all the single ladies"

Sassafrass immediately started relating to me about where she had heard that song before.

Sassafrass: In Alvin and the Chipmunks the squeakquel there are these

Accentia: wait...did you just say squeakquel?

S: *in her best announcer voice* There have been many great sequels. There have even been prequels. Now get ready for the world' first SQUEKQUEL

*cue uproariously laughter*

Sassafrass went on to explain the scene from the preview where the teenage chipmunk girls are singing "Single Ladies".

Then for the finale Fighter Pilot, dancing in a way that is only possible while strapped in a car seat, using his very best girl chipmunk voice, launched into the song, "If you like then you better put a ring on it. If you like it then you better put a ring on it".

I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants!

Here are the ladies doin' their thang!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fresh Flowers

These are sunflowers purchased from our local food club and greenery purchased from our local Kroger. There were twice as many sunflowers originally but they died before I remembered to get a picture.

Weight Watchers Wednesday Thursday

I lost 1.25 lbs. over the last two weeks. Normally I would celebrate this loss but it has me confused. During the first week of the two week time period I had a couple incidents and accidents involving cupcakes and Halloween Candy. I did well with the Halloween candy right up through Tuesday night. Luckily Sexy had gotten rid of most of the good stuff but I still raided the candy bucket. The cupcakes are from our local gourmet cupcakery. I bought them for the mother/daughter book club we hosted this month. There were leftovers. I ate them. So on Wednesday I was out of town and realized I would not get back in town to weigh. I suddenly decided I could have a cheeseburger and onion rings for lunch. Then I just completely stopped tracking my food. On Saturday I had a frozen custard "concrete" with Reece's peanut butter cups. Then my in-laws had car trouble near us on Sunday and ended up staying the night and buying us pizza. I was really worried that I would gain like 5 lbs. I guess I am now worried that next weeks weigh in is going to show the week of fail. Either way I am back on track. I have had a couple of cokes over the past two weeks. Nothing substantial. I am hoping that offset my eating and was the reason for the loss. *fingerscrossed*

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I had a conflict with my Weight Watchers meeting this week so I didn't get to weigh in. I have not had a coke since last Wednesday. At this moment, I would kill for a coke. However, I am alone and it seems impracticable to commit suicide for a coke.

OCDD = obsessive compulsive dishwasher disorder

I have always had a "thing" about cleaning dishes. It think it is related to doing dishes at my bio-dads. He didn't have a dishwasher and my sisters and I, when we were with him, were expected to do the dishes. I could never get them clean enough so I was always the rinser. Probably appropriate given that I was also the "baby". Whatever the cause, I am INSANE about the dishes being clean before they go into the dishwasher.

This can create a backlog of dishes that need to be cleaned before they are put into the dishwasher. When Sexy gets tired of looking at all the dishes I haven't done he starts loading the dishwasher. If I am home this will lead to the following exchange.

Accentia: Are you washing those first?

Sexy: I am if they need it.

LIAR. He always feeds me that lie or some version of it. I always let it go until I unload the dishwasher and there is FOOD on the dishes.

This was not as big of a problem before we moved. At the older tiny house we had this fancy European dishwasher that Sexy got off Ebay for a steal. I would get frustrated when he loaded but there was no HATE when I unloaded because that dishwasher usually removed all food from all dishes prior to sanitizing them. I.LOVED.THAT.DAMN.DISHWASHER.

Then we moved into the ugly green house (this is the official title bestowed upon our residence by Fighter Pilot) and now we have a dishwasher that was made in 1978. If it ever did remove food it no longer does. Mostly it just takes anything left on the dishes and spreads it all over the rest of the dishes. I.HATE.THIS.FUCKING.DISHWASHER!

I am getting a handle on the laundry but the dishes ARE.KILLING.ME!

*will update this post with a picture of said dishwasher.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We made it to the pumpkin patch finally! It has rained so much lately that we were not sure we would make it. Luckily, it stopped raining on Friday and we got to go Saturday, October 31st...just under the wire! As you can see Sexy is the MOST excited to be there!! :)